OneNote for Medical students

I’m currently designing a new induction/workshop session about how to use OneNote. Its primary audience will be students in Aston Medical School and as such, I have been doing a little research regarding specifically how medical students might use the tool. During this process, I came across a couple of videos that I felt gave Continue Reading…

Using OneNote with Collaborate Ultra – My presentation at BbMoCo October 2018

I presented a lightning strike presentation on the use of OneNote in conjunction with Blackboard Collaborate. I concentrated on two use cases, both of which have been needs driven by what the community will generally refer to as the severely lacking whiteboard capabilities of Blackboard Ultra. After outlining some context in terms of Aston’s experience Continue Reading…

Make it Accessible – Alternative Text

What is Alternative text? Alternative text, sometimes known as Alt Tags or Alt Attributes, is used to provide a description of certain elements of web pages or documents, normally non-text based content, that a blind or visually impaired person might otherwise not be able to experience. Alternative text is typically used on images and tables but can Continue Reading…